Badger Gets Spayed
I suppose there's some irony to the fact that while I'm actively trying to get pregnant myself, I took our little kitty, Badger, to be spayed this morning. Badger's not quite eight months old but it was time to get her snipped before she got to her first heat this spring. With our luck the Winterloper from the junkyard would try to do the daddy honours and then we'd have a whole house full of his smelly offspring.Given her rambunctious nature, the vet felt it would be best to keep Badger overnight so she didn't try jumping around too much and possibly popping a stitch. I'm sure she's pretty groggy anyway so it's just as well. I know this was all for the best for her but I still felt like a dirty rotter taking her there this morning. The whole time I'm thinking, please fertility gods, don't punish me for this! Really, it's for her own good!