Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Art from the Flames

I'm currently working on a new photography project involving storytelling - essentially I have to use my photographs as a storytelling device. This is not unlike how a publication like National Geographic works, and I'm not restricted from using text and other means (like the method of presentation) to bring the story to life, as that magazine and others do. I'm taking the approach, however, that the photographs must drive the story, and any text I add to the piece will be secondary to them.

I decided to use the recently opened New Street GlassWorks in Worcester as my subject. I've spent a few evenings there shooting different glassmaking classes and glasswork in process. There were certainly some things I would like to have shot and didn't get the opportunity to - such as the glass sculptures of the center's director, Alex Bernstein - but I can see how I wouldn't have been able to do those real justice without a lot of time and a complete studio lighting set-up. This story was more photojournalistic in nature.

As time passed shooting different kinds of glassmaking, I realized that I was focusing ever more narrowly on one very specific story - the creation of a bowl by one of the artists in residence (Dan, Dan something...sorry buddy, I can't remember your last name at the moment!). I have a ridiculous number of pictures to edit to get down to the heart of this story, but I'm trusting in my editing team to help me there.

I thought I'd post one of the photos I really like, but I think is going to fall by the wayside because it is unrelated to the story that has emerged. This was the making of a glass ornament in a class taught by another artist (Jake Vincent). Watching this ornament literally blossom from a 5500 degree fahrenheit flame was truly amazing.


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