Tales from the Honeymoon, Part Four (final)
Now that Craig and I have (somewhat) reluctantly returned to our old routine at home, I've had some time to think about what I miss most from the honeymoon...1. Riding around in the sunshine with the top down on the car
2. Eating lobster every other day
3. Indulging every whim and curiosity just by stopping the car and getting out to look
4. Random oddities that greet you around every corner
5. Having days wide open and unscheduled
6. Spending a lot more time with Craig
7. Sand between my toes
I also wish I could have had little fairies stay behind at home to weed the garden and do all the little chores I didn't have time to do before we left. Oh, and maybe strip wallpaper, paint walls, wash windows, install flooring, and refinish the cupboards...I guess the trick is to make all the fun things fit into married life along with the necessary things.
I think I'll pick up some lobster this weekend!
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