Monday, August 01, 2005

Lateral Stability

After 39 years of searching, I've finally found a name for my problem. I have 'diminished lateral stability.'

I like that term. I think it's rather fetching. My mother would probably insist that my mental stability is more of an issue, but she's not covered by my HMO.

I've started seeing a physiotherapist to help sort out why my leg decided to rupture in mid-stride during boot camp in June. Frankly, I didn't know what this treatment might be able to do since I sort of felt like I was well on the mend by the time I started going. Little did I know.

The woman (who bears an uncanny resemblance to my father's second wife, my bitchy babysitter) brought out her little calipers and put me into a few different positions that I suppose come naturally to a Chinese contortionist, but apparently are designed to evaluate my flexibility. And looky there - one leg has a third of the flexibility of the other.

So today we played on machines that I had to push off of, with both legs, with one leg and then the other, and then with elastic bands and then with steps, and damn if it didn't start to feel like I was getting a workout all over again. This shit is hard.

Tonight's homework will be going up stairs and down them, balancing my opposite leg without it touching the stair. Hopefully I don't fall on my ass and then have to have her working out a busted coccyx - an injury I sustained many years ago and wouldn't wish on anyone, not even my dad's second wife...


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