Friday, March 04, 2005

The Interloper Strikes Again

"Hey, come down here."


"Come down here and tell me what you smell."

Oh geeze. OK. I head down to the kitchen and start smelling. Halfway through the kitchen, towards the laundry room and the back door, it hits me. Tomcat piss!

The Interloper returned in the night and left his calling card. He also devoured the contents of both the cat's and dog's foodbowls. Besides the aggravation and inconvenience of the smell of cat pee through the house (AGAIN!), my first thoughts - OK, my SECOND thoughts - were of the Interloper's welfare. We've had a lot of snow lately. It's a long way up from the junkyard, where he supposedly lives. He must be very, very hungry to make the trek up in this temperature. I couldn't begrudge him the meal.

You might ask - why do I feel this way about a strange cat coming in and pissing all over my floors, but I have almost zero concern for the damn squirrels that empty my feeders? Well, simple. IT'S A CAT (see earlier post on this subject if you're still unclear about where my loyalties lie).

After I filled the bowls back up again, and spread some pinesol over the linoleum (Craig's parents are coming to visit this evening, doesn't it just figure), we started thinking about how to deal with the Interloper. Try the Have-a-Heart trap? With our luck Motorhead (our cat) would find her way in there first. Stay tuned...


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